Images of the work god has created!
Pictures of our graduates!

What is god doing??
Justin Trevino
Hello my name is Justin Trevino, and I am 40 years old. Before I joined the ministry, I was already serving Jesus Christ for 5 years. I could never truly establish myself where God was calling me. I willingly submitted myself into Victorious Frontline's mens home. I was able to take time to myself, and grow spiritually. Now I have been truly established on a solid foundation, with a relationship with Jesus Christ. Today I am happily married to my beautiful wife, and manage Kingdom Kutz Barbershop. I am a professional licensed barber. Everything I had been praying for in 5 years, God blessed me and answered my prayers. All this was created through my faith and obedience in 6 months!
What’s your story??

Jason Nava
My name is Jason Nava, I'm 35 years old. I remember the day that God came into my life, and saved me from the mess I was in. 16 years of living in a dark world, I never realized the place it led me too. I want to say that, Frontline Ministries, played a big role in my salvation through Jesus. Before my encounter with christ, I was stuck in the streets, selling drugs, running with gangs, and by the age of 19 I was off to prison. At the time I didn't know about Jesus, and what he could do for my life. I honestly believe it was a vital step in my walk with God to help me get where I am now.
What's your story??

Sr Pastor Brian Ayala
Victorious Frontline Ministries is a place of hope, love, restoration, and healing. It is truly an honor being a part of what God is doing. Especially through the lives of those who have encountered God at Victorious Frontline Church. People from all walks of life have found an amazing place to call home. At Victorious Frontline Church you are not just a member you are family. Everyone has a story and we would love to be apart of yours.

Juan Hernandez
My name is Juan Hernandez. I first stepped into the home May 10th, 2020. I am 36 years old, and a son of a pastor from San Benito, TX. I battled an 8 year drug addiction, and strayed far away, through a dark tunnel. I lived a lot of years with one foot in, and one foot out. By the grace and mercy of God Victorious Frontline Academy became a divine life changing opportunity for me. I was able to get back on track, fully surrender to the Lord, and allow him to start a restoration that would forever change my life. I’m a better son, father, brother, and husband. I help with the ministry, the church, and I also teach the word of God. I know I have a great calling on my life and God has a great plan. It’s all unfolding before my eyes and I give God all the honor, the glory, and the praise. I encourage you to meet God half way and answer his true calling on your life. It’s time to find purpose in Jesus Christ, God bless.